This year Liana is 4, so if we were sending her to school she would be in Kindy. So we are now officially (although we don't need to register for another 2 years) homeschooling. I thought I would post what we are doing for "school" this term.
FIAR: Our main curriculum is Five in a Row. We are just finishing up BFIAR and hope to start FIAR in a couple of months.
Bible: Joyful Heart Character from We are also using her memory verse program. I love this website, I have used her 2 year old and 3 year old programs with Liana for the last couple of years and they are great.
Reading: Sight word booklets from Reading lessons from We are just beginning blending sounds and cvc words.
Maths: hmmmmm, well, um, we are just learning naturally. Counting, measuring etc.
Artist Study: This term we are studying Vincent Van Gogh. So far we have looked at his pictures of the Roulin Family and painted our own family pictures. This week we are looking at The Olive Trees.
Music: Liana is still learning Suzuki Violin. Our composer this term is Bach. We are listening to the classical Kids CDs. Liam is also in the Suzuki Early childhood class and will start coming to Liana's violin classes to watch towards the end of the year.
Latin: We are part of a class called Kinderclassics which is for 3 to 6 year olds. It introduces the children to Latin through classics. Last term we read Aesop's Fables. This term we have been learning about Romulus and Remus. The children play games and sing songs and learn basic Latin words. Lots of fun!!
Both kids are still doing swimming lessons and loving it.
Phew!!! That looks like a lot but really most "subjects" only consists of about 10 minutes a day.
Liam is tagging along for the ride. I may start doing some of Hubbards Cupboard Bible Rhyme prog for 2 year old during the year. But at this point he is sooo not ready for anything structured.
Anyway, that is what our homeschool looks like this year. Will share some of our BFIAR lapbooks later.