This week it is school holidays so all our normal activities like ballet, latin etc are on break instead we have had swimming lessons every morning at 8:20am - what was I thinking!!!!!!!
Needless, to say we spend the rest of the day with tired kids and tired mum so we haven't done a whole lot of planned learning. There has still been plenty of things going on though.
I made Liam his first tot book from here he carried it around with him everywhere for the first couple of days and shows it to everyone he sees. I think it is safe to say he likes it!
We have also done lots of playing with playdoh using the new mats I printed and laminated. Here the kids are making faces for their people.
To check out what others are doing for tot school, click here.
The face mats are such a neat idea!!! I will have to remember this one!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see you liked the playdaough mats we found last week! Aren't they fun! My older kids even loved them! Looks like you have a wonderful week of Tot School and I hope this week ia another great one for your family!
Thanks for the idea schoolinrhome. My kids really loved them. I printed out a whole lot of other mats from the site too!!