Samuel is 20.5 months
After a looong break from totschool we are back! For the next few weeks we are learning about colours. Last week we did red. Here are some of the things Samuel did.
We went on a red treasure hunt and collected as many red things as we could find in the toy room.
We threaded red pasta onto red pipecleaners.
We used our dot markers to paint a page of red things,
and we painted our RED page.
We did a contact paper collage of red materials.
Samuel coloured in his red minit. book.
And we used our red pom pom magnets to play with the do a dot page.
The older two are learning about the rainforest so Samuel decided to join in and help paint a box for their rainforest model. Not red, but good fun anyway!!
Nothing like sitting in the
And my favourite photo of the week, My two little cheeky boys!
To see what others are up to this week head over to 1+1+1=1
Looks like a fun week with the colour red! I love your photo of your two boys - very cute.