Letter A, again! We are just jumping around, not following any particular order anymore. We were using a curriculum but decided just to do our own thing. We are using the animal ABC printables from 1+1+1=1http://www.1plus1plus1equals1.com/AnimalABC.html and also her printables for Songs for Saplings ABChttp://www.1plus1plus1equals1.com/RaisingRockStars.html as well as many other theme related printables from all over the place. Samuel chose the letter A for this week so that is what we did and our theme for this week and next week is Noah's ark and rainbows.
Samuel's desk set up on Monday morning.

Reading our letter a book.

a is for alligator

We made rainbows in milk using food colouring and detergent. He thought this was brilliant!

Painting Noah's ark.

Playdough rainbows.

Working on our pencil grip with cotton bud painting.

Cutting out and sticking together this weeks Bible verse.

Finding the cards in our mystery box and matching them to the sheet.

Adding the animals to Noah's ark.

More Noah's ark play.

Letter maze work.

Learning to write his name

Samuel's board at the end of the week.

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