Monday, September 1, 2014

Weekly Wrap-Up - Finishing our Space Unit

We finished up our month long unit of Space for the two littlies.  The older two will continue to do a more in depth study of the Solar system for the remainder of the year.  We continued with our shelf activities for the month but also saved some of our best and most fun activities for this week.  Here is a look at what we did.

Nathanael and Samuel dot painted all the planets to display on our wall.

Then we did some more paper mache planets.  These are taking a loooong time.  Hopefully we will get to paint them next week!

Liana and Liam made pin hole boxes to view the sun,

and Samuel painted and glued a wooden rocket ship.

We experimented with some fizzy, exploding colourful stars.  We made them by mixing bi-carb soda, a bit of water and food colouring to make a thick paste and then filled some ice cube moulds and froze them over night.  The next day we popped them in a tray of vinegar and watched the reaction!

Once they finished fizzing and exploding we added more bi-carb soda and made mountains and volcanoes complete with erupting red lava!!

For the final night of our space unit, I bought a packet of sparklers and we went outside and had a great time sparkling all over the front yard!!

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