One of the plans we had was to introduce our Blessing Buddies. I stole this idea from Ang at Home. Unfortunately we didn't get around to actually doing any of the acts of Kindness we had planned due to being house bound and after the first two days of hiding them I kind of ran out of steam. So we have put this idea back on the shelf to try again next year. Sam and Nathanael did enjoy finding them on those two days though!
Day 1 - Candle
The first TinT activity was making a candle and talking about Jesus as the light of the world.
Day 2 - Crown
The next day we talked about Jesus as king and made some crowns to hang on our tee pee.
Day 3 - Zechariah
Day three we read the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth and made a Zechariah head. Nathanael was quite pleased with his finished product!!
Samuel decided to paint a picture of Zechariah instead of making the ornament and Nathanael decided to join him.
Then we checked out the Nativity sensory box, which I discovered is a really bad idea to have out when I don't feel up to supervising. We spent today vacuuming up the peas and beans that have been carted around the house all week when I was too sick to care!!!
Day 4 - Angel
Today we read all about the angel Gabriel and Nathanael made a paper plate angel. Poor Liana and Liam were both sick in bed by now and didn't join in any of the activities except on the first day :(
Samuel decided against the craft again ( he really isn't that interested in making crafts, unlike his brothers and sister) and instead decided to paint a swamp monster!! All the while loudly singing Christmas carols as shown in the first picture!!
Day 5 and 6
We were all out of action and spent the days watching Christmas movies and generally just doing as little as possible!!
Nathanael and Liam managed to get in some playdough time with our sparkly playdough and that was as Christmassy as it got!!!
Day 7
Nathanael was happy to play catch up today and had a great time finishing off the last three ornaments of the week with mum all to himself!!
First we read Mary's story and made a Mary paper doll.
Then we got out the water colours and Nathanael painted Mary and Elizabeth while I read the story to him
And finally, we read Mary's song and decorated a CD with glitter glue and sparkles.
Our Truth in the Tinsel tee pee at the end of a very long week. Hopefully we will all be back on our feet this week and all of the children will get to join in some fun Christmas activities before we go away!!
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