Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tot School

Tot School
Samuel is 16 months old

This month our theme is Farms to match our sensory box. We attempted lots of farm themed activities. I say attempted because Samuel is still little and not interested in anything too structured so it was very hit and miss, which is fine. As long as he is happy I am happy!!

So these are the things that worked.

Painting Farm pictures

Matching farm animals to picture cards. This worked well for about 2 minutes before he got bored of it!

Playing with the Farm Mega Blocks

The Farm sensory bin which was a huge hit and played with daily.

Lots of reading

And my favourite, playing in the rubbish bin! The bin was new and clean :) He must have palyed in it for at least half and hour and then spent the rest of the afternoon dragging it around the toy room.

To see what others are doing this week head on over to 1+1+1=1


  1. He sure looked like he had fun! What a cutie.

    Popping in from tot school

  2. Great farm activities. I am planning to have a farm theme in the next few months x
